July 31, 2010


Went to Breakfast of Course this morning, and found the place being suitable for vegetarians. It is on Trade St in Downtown - go away from the bus station, pass Yoga Gallery, and former Mary's Of Course is on the right. They have expanded on all these horned devilish creatures on their walls. It reminded me why I went to their old place only once before and never came back.

The bare chested waiter David was wearing Mardi Gras beads.

July 29, 2010

Hawaiian waves

Planning our trip to Hawaii I run across these amazing pictures of Hawaiian waves by a photographer by the name Little. His first name is Clark. I don't know how he is still alive doing such pictures!

Here is the link to the pictures of him in waves so you can see HOW he does it. Very brave guy!

July 25, 2010


Went to Hanging Rock Park this morning to swim in the lake. The temperature of the water was perfect! The lake is open at ten in the morning. If you can get into the water right after 10 am - you'll be having all the lake for yourself! By 11 am the 'main forces' start filling up the parking lot, dragging all these coolers on wheels and chairs to the beach. This is the best time to leave :)

July 22, 2010

July 17, 2010

we live in a jungle!

Our vegetable container garden - look more like a jungle! :)))

July 10, 2010

Valaam in video

Valaam - the island and the monastery where I lived for 6 years:

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