Yesterday we have visited the Center for Purposeful Living. It is located in Winston-Salem, Walkertown exit off Business 40. Fifty people live in the community. They call it 'Intentional Community'. Serving others is the purpose and the method of working with one's consiousness. The goal is to become a totally responsible person.
Their methods of inner work are based on the esotheric psychology of Alice Bailey (with greetings to Madam Blavatski naturally) and probably (my guess) to Live Ethics of Roerikhs. The community was build more than 20 years ago. It doesn't appear to be very active right now on the outside. They closed the facility for the terminally ill people whom they cared for years. The community was initially based on this idea of caring for terminally ill when it was founded in Boomer, NC. They also stopped operating California Buffet in Winston-Salem, and only do catering.
There is a shop on the grounds where the community members work with stones and crystals polishing them and making jewelry. We have met one young Russian woman named Irina in the shop. Irina gave us round glass balls with interesting design that she made. Irina has a baby that was born there three month ago.
Several of the people from the Center for Purposeful Living went this summer to the Russian community of Kitezh not far from Moscow. Russian orphans live in the extended families (large families!) in the village of Kitezh. The village was build for this purpose specifically. Kitezh now has a satellite village of Orion. The houses are round over there "so that kids would not hit the corners" builders say :) We have a book in the library about Kitezh written by one of the founders (in English) - Kitezh : a community approach to raising children in Russia. Check it out!
We were very happy to visit the Center of Purposeful Living and to share the meal with our new friends.
Just be very careful and keep your wits about you with those people, especially if they try to "recruit" you. The Center has gone under different names over the years and has a wide reputation as a cult.
Cult is a tag. Nothing can compare with 'soviet cult' that we all survived :) it actually had some benefits for the individual development in a group settings :))) Inner work should be appreciated, personal responsibility encouraged (as well as reading). It is better to go through any system of mind discipline than have no system at all.
I understand your viewpoint and don't disagree with your sentiments, was just trying to help. Have you done any outside research on them? It can't hurt to do your homework before you become too involved. Google them and if you like to read, read some of the history, testimonials and comments of those who have been more intimately connected - just attempt to be well-informed and see all sides, before you form an opinion. There's a big difference between mind discipline and mind CONTROL.
Thank you. I have read all testimonials online and nevertheless enjoyed the dinner. I do not plan to join any groups, but I do plan to do some personal development. If you have some positive suggestion - please help.
Those benefits that CPL can also provide to help an individual integrate into a group setting COME with ONE hell of price i.e. mind control, and submitting oneself to total domination by completely disassociated individuals, who in turn are dominated by their Pied Piper. NOT worth the dinner by any means.
Seems that you went through a lot...
I would invite you to my web site (linked) to read mine and others trials and tribulations in The Land of Derwyn Lackey (aka Human Service Alliance, aka University for Human Goodness, aka Center for Purposeful Living) before you go too far down the rabbit hole.
I've read them. In the spring.
I am sure you did have a very nice time during your visit. I imagine your schedule was quite full having tea with a group member or two, volunteering in a variety of areas, perhaps even attending one of the "classes" or a meeting? You see the people at the center are really very nice. Particularly during the courtship phase... stay there a year and see what you think.
Agree with all comments submitted from the first "Anonymous" and Chris Short.
I am sorry guys you feel like your life been damaged by others. I am really sorry.
Oh, we're most certainly not blaming CPL and their Council of Sages for any damages. Once we'd escaped their extreme domination, it was a great opportunity to release the patterns that attracted me to them in the first place. Thank God, I am not cult material anymore. :-)
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
My family was destroyed by this group in1980s (they changed their name from Human Service Alliance). They have secret meetings on the full moon, swap wives and children and do whatever their guru, Derwyn Lackey (google him) tells them to do, I think its very concerning that they just bought 2 airplanes.
You don't need this group, but they need you. Be aware.
"The Group" has lowered its profile, perhaps the exposure is not to their liking, although it is highly necessary to expose their hidden agendas and how they misrepresent themselves. Pure domination and certainly no planetary change - a true hoax.
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