June 12, 2005

stay with me

Many years ago - when Chernobil disaster happened - kind people from Redeemer Presbyterian church in Winston-Salem joined the programm ABRO. They invited kids from Belorussia to come to USA and stay in their families for summer. Children could get a lot of sunshine, love and medical help for free.

group of belorussian children and the interpreter

Yesterday i was invited for a picknick. Belorussian children are here, in Winston-Salem again! Picknick was hosted by Larry and Kathy Shindledecker. Here are some pictures from the event. If you want to print a paper copy, let me know - i'll send you a big file. Don't forget to click on each image to enlarge them!( ©natalia)

Oksana: swinds is fun!
Oksana is happy playing
Olia and Katia are happy with dinner

Olia and Katia are happy all children together


Anonymous said...

Eto zamechatelno, chto est' takaya programma. It's wonderful that such programme exists and many thanks to the hospitable community of Winston-Salem.
Natasha, ti ne znayesh li sluchayno, kak prohodil otbor detei i otkuda oni?
Deti est' deti i ne vazhno chyi oni - dai Bog im schastia i zdorovia. No ti prekrasno znayesh , kto v Sovetskoye vremia ezdil za granitzu. A Belorus seichas escho bolee corrupt nezheli pri starom rezhime. Bilo bi pechalno uznat', chto vlast' imushchiye v Belorussii vsio yeshcho igrayut nechestno po otnosheniyu k detiam.

NT said...

good question...