May 31, 2009

Russian Carolina newspaper

Russian community of the Carolinas have started a new project - publishing newspaper "Russian Carolina" for the Russian-speaking people in North and South Carolina. It is mainly in Russian, but there is a section in English with Russian language lessons, articles about Russian culture and history. The publisher and the chief editor of the paper is Olga Zhitomirskaja-Muller from St Petersburg, Russia - a poet and a teacher. She has great experience in publishing business and design.

Here is the list of the locations where you can buy the newspaper (scroll down the page). The cost is 50 cents.

You can see the first issue here.

The new paper exists with help of advertisements. Please contact the editor if you'd like to advertise your business. It will help to get the project on it's feet! The publisher runs the sale on advertising in the month of June. You can also place a personal ad in English for free!

Stop by to pick up a copy on 'Russian Carolina" in the Central library in downtown Winston-Salem.


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